Another great and simple invention...This product has been found by Megat. You should buy one unless you ride in the banana estate.
You know the feeling, just when you fancy eating that banana you've been carrying around, you dig it out from the bottom of your bag to discover it looks like it has gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson. How many times have you taken your banana to work or out on he trail only to find it transformed into a black inedible mess? Only hours before your banana was perfect, now it is just fit for the bin.
How can you stop this happening to you again?
Transport your banana in a BananaGuard and never throw your banana away again.
• Comes in 9 Fantastic Colours.
• Easy Snap/Click opening and closing action.
• Dishwasher Safe.
• Other items that fit into a BananaGuard:
• Grapes & any other small soft fruits
• Cherry Tomatoes
• 6 Cream Eggs (Useful for posting to Australia)
• Toothpaste & Toothbrush whilst Trekking
• Designed to fit most bananas
How can you stop this happening to you again?
Transport your banana in a BananaGuard and never throw your banana away again.
• Comes in 9 Fantastic Colours.
• Easy Snap/Click opening and closing action.
• Dishwasher Safe.
• Other items that fit into a BananaGuard:
• Grapes & any other small soft fruits
• Cherry Tomatoes
• 6 Cream Eggs (Useful for posting to Australia)
• Toothpaste & Toothbrush whilst Trekking
• Designed to fit most bananas
Bro,lain macam aje aku tengok guard ni.Senyap aje,dah taknak kayuh road lagi ke...
yg ni ori bai...pisang mmg semulajadi bengkok. Kwn dgr anak awak kurang sihat. Harap2 semuanya ok. Kwn belum lg bersara road....jgn risau bro
Bro,anak ke 2 disahkan leukaemia.Baru lepas kena kimo,sekarang dah boleh balik tapi maint. ubat setiap isnin dan khamis kena pi HSI.Harap dpt doakan cepat sembuh. Amin.
Ake pon rasa sedih jg atas berita ni. Semoga anak kau segera sembuh dan kita semua bahagia seperti dulu...harap kau dan famili bersabar atas dugaan ini.
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